Hey There :)

We all get a little lost in the beginning when our peers are throwing around terms. We hope that this mini System Dictionary helps you along the way :)


  • Age Slider- An alter who's internal physical and/or mental age can change between different age status depending on external / internal factors. Different from regression in that their knowledge isn't always on the same age level they may be presenting at. Age sliders may also have ability to age regress, which is a different process.

  • Age Regression- A mental state where the mind reverts to a younger version, can either be on purpose or not. Often used as a stress relief/therapy tool, but can also cause distress.

  • Ageless- An adjective used to describe an alter who either does not identify with a set age or feels that they are too ancient for the human perception of time to apply to them.

  • Alter– An alternate identity state/alternate states of consciousness within a system, Also referred to as an Other/ Piece /Part/ Headmate/ Systemmate.

  • Archivist- An alter who has more of an extensive knowledge access where they can sort, file and fetch memories /emotions /knowledge for safekeeping or later recall. A type of Internal Self Helper alter.

  • Architect- An alter who has the ability to change the inner world.

  • Amnesia- Partial or complete memory loss. It may be temporary or permanent. There are many different types of amnesia due to the many ways it can occur. For the sake of this we are focusing on types that often effect systems.

  • (see Blackout)

  • (See Dissociative Amnesia)

  • (See Dissociative Fugue)

  • (See Emotional Amnesia)

  • (See Grayout)

  • ANP- Apparently Normal Part- The rational, present-oriented, and grounded part that handles daily life.


  • Barrier In reference to a dissociative barrier, mental block or an inner world separation. The alter may not be able to go into or past an area in the inner world. These are put into place by the brain for structural purposes for safety from traumatic memory.

  • Big– An adult alter/person; An alter who is older than the alter using the word to describe another person/alter.

  • Blackout- 1.A complete or partial loss of memory due to the brain being unable to fully recollect events during a period of time. This can happen as a trigger response due to past or current trauma, heavy emotions, intoxication, or even loss of consciousness.

  • 2. Complete (or sometimes partial ( See Grayout) amnesia between two (or more alters) that switched with each other and do not have recollection of what the other experienced during that time. This can come along with not having any communication with one another due to heavy dissociative barriers.

  • Blending– A temporary type of integration, where persons inside can tap into each others abilities, memories and skills. Often hard to tell who is fronting.


  • Caretaker- Alters who take care of others in the system, the body and/or outside of the system. Can get exhausted easily often due to forgetting about their own self care. They are a type of protector. (See Protector)

  • Co-conscious– When several alters are aware of each other, what is happening, and what others are doing when in front. Often shortened to co-con.

  • Co-Fronting- When two or more alters are aware and able to interact with the outside world.

  • Co-hosting– Where two or more alters are in a host role.

  • Core/Original– [Obsolete term for DID/OSDD] What used to be seen as the original person/ identity born with the body. An obsolete term due to the theory of structural dissociation, but can be a comfy term for the main host / alter who identifies most with the body.

  • Crisis- 1. A situation (e.g., a traumatic change) that produces significant cognitive or emotional stress in those involved in it.

  • 2. A state of affairs marked by instability and the possibility of impending change for the worse.

  • Cross-gender– Alters in a system who are of a different gender to how the body presents.


  • Depersonalization- Detachment within the self, regarding one's mind or body, or being a detached observer of oneself.

  • Derealization- An alteration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems unreal. Things can seem foggy, or like you're piloting a suit rather than it being your own body.

  • DID- Dissociative Identity Disorder- It is a trauma-based dissociative disorder that is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct identity states that have the ability to take executive control and experience varying amounts of amnesia between switches. It also includes a wide variation of other dissociative symptoms and large amounts of trauma and a wide variety of reactions to that trauma. It is a spectrum, so not everyone always has the same symptoms past the criteria. (Check out Partial DID and OSDD 1)

  • Dissociation– 1. An experience of disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions, and identity. 2. A disruption, interruption, and/or discontinuity of the normal, subjective integration of behavior, memory, identity, consciousness, emotion, perception, body representation, and motor control. (DSM-5)

  • Dissociative Amnesia-Memory gaps that involve the inability to recall important personal information that would not typically be forgotten over time.

  • Dissociative Fugue- Amnesia along with sudden, unexpected travel away from an individual's usual surroundings and denial of all memory of his or her whereabouts during the period of wandering.

  • Dormant/Dormancy- When an an alter is non communicative, disengaged or is an inactive state for a longer period of time. Some alters may describe this as taking a nap or break from being an active member of the system.

  • DPDR- Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder- When you persistently or repeatedly have the feeling that you're observing yourself from outside your body or you have a sense that things around you aren't real, or both.


  • **Emotional/Memory Bleedthrough **– When one or more system member experiences emotions or memories that are not their own and have come from a different system member.

  • Emotional Amnesia- The inability to associate emotions with certain events; Being able to recall another headmate's memory, but having no emotional connection with the memory, though the memory may have emotions connected to it.

  • Endogenic- A catch-all term for systems who see themselves as not created from/caused by trauma; System without trauma origins.

  • EP- Emotional Part)- Holds traumatic memories and/or traumatic responses. In systems, these alters may handle some daily functions such as: exploration, play, and socialization, but it can be difficult to sustain being a long term fronter for these alters.


  • Factive- (See Introject)

  • Fictive- (See Introject)

  • Fragment- An “incomplete alter”, or a kind of extreme form of compartmentalization of thought and action. Often holds a single memory, handles a single/small range of emotion or does a specific task. Usually sortof 1D.

  • Fronting– 1. Where an alter is in control of the body and able to interact with the outer world. 2. Taking executive control of the body. Can be co-conscious as well.

  • Frontstuck- The alter fronting is unable to communicate or switch out from fronting.

  • Frontrunner- A habitual host.

  • Fusion- 1. Two or more alters becoming one alter. (See integration) Can be permanent or temporary.


  • Gatekeeper– An alter role within a system where they can: control who is fronting; who can or cannot front; and/or who can hold/access to specific memories/ feelings.

  • Grayout- Partial amnesia between two (or more alters) that switched with each other. They might have some recollection of what the other experienced during that time, but usually it is just a vague understanding or like bullet-pointed events. This comes along with having dissociative barriers between alters.

  • **Grief / Grieving **- The anguish experienced after significant loss. It can include physiological distress, separation anxiety, confusion, yearning, obsessive dwelling on the past, apprehension about the future, regret for something lost, remorse for something done, or sorrow for a mishap to oneself.

  • Grounding- A strong self soothing tool to bring a person into the present moment or help take attention away from what may be triggering a undesirable reaction. (dissociation, panic attack, anxiety, spiraling etc.)

  • Hedonistic Alter- An alter that is engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgent. Can be at the expense or for the benefit of the system.

  • Host- A main/habitual fronter. Can have more than one alter who hosts.

  • Holder- A role where an alter keeps memories (can be traumatic or not), symptoms, feelings or feelings associated with memories isolated from other alters in the system.

  • Hypervigilance- A state of abnormally heightened alertness where your brain and body are sensitive and constantly assessing your surroundings for potential danger.


  • Informant- An alter who has access/can share specific information to specific people.

  • Integration– 1. Where two or more alters start breaking down barriers between each other in regards to dissociation and communication.

  • 2. When an alter reduces their barriers with one or more alters to become a part of them or someone new. (See fusion)

  • 3. The reduction of dissociation and other barriers for the improvement of communication of the system.

  • Internal Self-Helper (ISH)– A protector or leader in the system who has extensive understanding of different alters and how they work together, and other systematic knowledge. They work to help maintain the stability of the system. Don't usually front very often.

  • Internal Mapper- An alter who explores, finds, and maps out places in the inner world. (See Scout)

  • Inside / Inner world – A space within the mind of a system where alters can exist/ reside/ interact with each other when not interacting with the outside world (See Fronting).

  • Not all systems have an inner world.

  • Insider- Those who rarely front and might miss time passing of the outer world.

  • Introject- An alter who's perceived appearance, name, personality, and/or role may represent an outside source. They can differ greatly from their source and take on many different roles. Fictives and Factives are common types of introject. Fuzztive

  • Fictive: Based off of a fictional source.

  • Factive: Based on a "real life" source, can be historical, currently living, or even nonhuman.

  • Integrated Introject: 1. An alter that used to not be an introject becoming an introject after integration.

  • 2. An alter that used to be more than one introject becoming one and keeping their source connection after integration.

  • Mixed Introject / Double Introject: 1. An alter who may have roots in multiple fictional and/or factional sources. (e.g. An alter who may be an introject of Abraham Lincoln with source roots from history and Clone High; an alter who's sources are 2 different actors; An alter whos sources are the same actor but from two different roles)

  • 2. An alter who integrated from two or more introjects from either factional and/or fictional sources 3. An established Introject alter who has taken on another Introjects traits/memories after a partial fusion/integration. 4. An alter who split within the system from a group of two or more introjects and identify with their sources may also fall within this category.

  • OC Introject / OC Fictive: 1. An alter who may have roots in a source, but wasn't actually in the source. 2. An alter who was based in a fictional source universe. Not an established character, but an original created character in that/for that universe. 3. An alter who may be from an alternate universe of a fictional source. 4. A fictive who has roots from fanfiction and doesn't feel comfortable seeing themselves as a sourced fictive.

  • Partial Introject: 1. An alter who has some fictional roots, but only partially identifies with them. 2. An alter who may have been an introject at one point and doesn't totally identify with who they used to be. 3. An alter who has taken on Introjects traits/memories after an integration.

  • 4. An alter who may identify somewhat, or almost an introject, but it doesn't seem 'quite right' or 'entirely accurate' to describe themselves as such. (This is where the term Fuzztive/Fogtive may come up in community circles)


  • Little- A young/child alter, usually under 7/10 years old.

  • Middle- A young/child alter, usually not a teenager, but over 7-10 years old.

  • Mixed Introject- See Introject

  • Neurodivergent- Having a brain that functions in ways that diverge from the societal standards of “normal.” for example Dissociative disorders, ADHD, ADD, Down Syndrome, and Autism are a few covered under this umbrella.

  • Nonhuman Alter- An alter who doesn't see themself as human. May themselves as animals, robots, fantasy creatures, demons, ghosts, objects, hybrids, etc. Its important to note that the alter can also be an introject.

  • NPC- Non-playable Character- gap filler in the inner world. There are different theories on their purpose.

  • OC Introject/ OC Factive- See Introject.

  • OSDD- Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder- It is a trauma-based dissociative disorder that has multiple subtypes, but here we will only be sharing type 1.

  • OSDD type 1 is split into two subtypes OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b.

  • OSDD-1a- The different members of the system typically present as different ages or different modes of the same person. Can experience amnesia between switches.

  • OSDD-1b- The members of the system are differentiated from each other but don't experience switch amnesia. They may, however, experience emotional amnesia.


  • Partial DID- Trauma based dissociative disorder that is characterized by disruption of identity in which there are two or more distinct identity states, __ like DID, but one Identity state is dominant and normally functions in daily life, but is intruded upon by one or more non-dominant identity states that don't often take executive control.__ When they do, it's usually just occasional, limited and transient episodes. (Check out the ICD 11 for more info)

  • Partner System- A significant other who is a system that you are dating and/or married to one or more alters in their system.

  • Passive influence- an unintentional effect on the actions, thoughts or emotions of an alter who is fronting from alters who are not fronting.

  • Persecutor-An alter that may do things that are harmful to the system and others around them. This behavior is not always on purpose. They are often hurting, angry. and trauma holders. With work they can gain a more helpful purpose in the system and stop their destructive behaviors.

  • Polyfragmented/Polyfragmentation- Describes the structure of a system, not just headcount, but is more commonly used to describe a system that has over 50/100 alters. Commonalities between these systems may include: Many alters that may share the same name or have no name; A lower stress tolerance; Mass splitting and fusions while processing/experiencing trauma; Multiple subsystem groups; many EP fragments; complex headspaces; And layer-like trauma in the way their brain stores the information.

  • Presenting Self- The singlet facade, what would be the "main personality" that other alters would try to replicate when fronting around others.

  • Projection- A negative self-defence mechanism characterised by a person attributing their own issues onto someone or something else. Can happen consciously or unconsciously.

  • Protector– An alter who’s role is to protect the system. There are various different types of protectors: Emotional, physical, sexual, internal, etc.

  • PTSD/ C-PTSD– [Complex] Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. diagnosed before/with DID/OSDD.

  • Reenactment- The action of reliving traumatic past events and relationships while also reexperiencing the original feelings and emotions associated with the trauma.


  • Scout- An alter who explores, finds, and maps out places in the inner world. (See Internal Mapper)

  • Secret Keeper– Alters who keep information of abuse or other information away from the rest of the system. A type of Gatekeeper and Holder.

  • Selective Mutism- A severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations.

  • Sexual Alters- Alters who formed to help the system cope with sexual trauma, take on sexual situations or that are sexual in nature. 2 Types are Sexual Protector, and Sexual Persecutor.

  • Shell- An alter designed to be a fluid switch helper, who is always usually in front and is a standby. Can be a host ANP; a "fusible" alter through which all other members act, fronting and temporarily blending with to front; or even like a day to day autopilot.

  • Singlet– A single identitied person; a person without alters.

  • Split/Splitting– Reaching the level of dissociation that causes the creation of another alter; The process of the creation of a new alter.

  • BPD also has an experience called splitting, but that is seen as a period of time of Black and White thinking about how they view someone/something. These two uses are unrelated.

  • Sprinkled- A result of an integration into the system. An alter's traits, memories and feelings are shared to different alters in the system as a whole rather than resulting in a new alter.

  • Sub-system/Subsystem – Used to describe a specific group who are a system within a system. There are 2 types: Separate internal groups within one larger system; Alters who have their own alters.

  • Switch– The change in who is fronting; where another alter fronts.

  • Switchy– The feeling that you’re about to switch.

  • Symptom Holder- See Holder

  • System– 1. A collective term for the alters/identities that make the group of consciousness. 2. Describes a person that has a dissociatively compartmentalized identity; Any person who has a group of alternate identity states.


  • Theory of Structural Dissociation- The theory that no one is born with an integrated identity. Instead, infants operate based off of a loose collection of different ego states that handle their different needs- feeding, attachment to a caregiver, exploring the world around them. Over time, these ego states naturally integrate into one coherent and cohesive identity, usually by the ages of 6 - 9, but due to repeated interruptions 2 or more identities form.

  • Trauma- Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope.

  • Trigger– Anything that sets a series of thoughts in motion or reminds a person of some aspect of their traumatic past, and could cause a response such as panic attacks, flashbacks or another type of stress.

  • Trigger Warning/ TW- When something is written that could cause a trigger.

  • Twin Alters- 1. Two alters who split at the same time that may have traits, views, and behaviors that oppose each other. 2. Two alters who are basically the same in every way, didn't have split at the same time.

  • UDD- Unspecified Dissociative Disorder- There are different ways this can be used. It can be used as a temporary diagnosis when the exact diagnosis is unknown or cannot be said at the time (long term or short term); Or when someone is presenting with symptoms similar to OSDD, but are missing part of the criteria; OR When there is no time/opportunity for specifics to be determined and/or the source of dissociative symptoms may be unclear; OR The symptoms don't align with all the symptoms of another dissociative disorder.

  • Basically it's a flexible diagnosis.

If you have any questions/suggestions please email
[email protected] or distracted.sys on instagram/tt

Updating October 2024 (last update August 2022)